It is with a great sigh of relief that I am able to post these photos of my first baby portebello mushroom! The directions that came with the package said that I should see the first mushrooms within 7-14 days of setting up their "playpen." On day six the surface of the compost was covered in a white mold...i worried: is it too moist, did i drown them, too dark, too light, too hot??????? oh lordy! the pressure!
The first lil' shroom appeared on day 15. Yep. Iyam a happy camper because i have one lonely survivor...despite my inability to be a good 'shroom mommy, there it is in all it's yummy glory! I'm positively beaming! Infact, i think iyam beaming strong enough to ward off the fastly approaching freeze the weather-peoples say is gonna hit us. I don't know about youze, but fer tonight all is well and good in the world here with me and my fungi! Cheers and goodnight!
I am what I am, and that's a fun guy.
fancy that! me tooo! birds of a feather maybe? okay, sh*t i dunno.
what's that smell?
Sorry, I think I stepped in a pile of shiitake.
HEY! as long as you don't step on me weee bitty 'bello!
Now are you gonna eat your baby...
My suggestions:
A nice mushroom and cheese omelette would be great or maybe a stuffed mushroom ;)
Let the poor little thing grow up first - you don't think veal with shrooms - you think steak!!!
I hope that there'll be more than just one .... even tho' it's such a great little fun guy (love it).
Where did you get the kit? Here in NJ I go mushroom picking with my fiance. He owns a mushroom guide thingy, it's a lot of fun. You should put a link to the mushroom kit on your post, i would love to get one. Cheers
Hi Ya'll!!! I'm trying very hard not to intimidate the little fellar by drooling on him when I check on him! I must admit, I like all the visions of edible variations this thing conjurs up. Forgive me little 'shroom!
Priscilla! Hello and Good Morning to you!!! I'm so glad you popped in and what a cool job your fiance' has... I have a book for identifying edible 'shrooms in the wild, but have NEVER trusted my judgement enough to eat anything that I have found!
The kit was a present from my Mom, it came from Mushroom Adventures. Their website is:
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