...but I just can't bring myself to do it. Afterall, I have cared and nurtured Humphrey for the last (and first, no, ALL!) five days of his extraordinary little life. What if I were to just let him live out his days undigested?
And yet, what about little Enrico? I have concern that he might not reach his full potential always standing in the shadow of his glorious brother...in fact, looking at the two 'shrooms side-by-side I am reminded of The Profit and Kahlil Gibran's final words on marriage:
...And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
Oh What am i to do?
Humphrey's skin desktop image
Question: Is just one enough to handle an egg scramble?
Wisdom from the Ancients: If you decide to "have just one", send a few sympathetic/emphathetic karmic vibes to the little community, then send a karmic thank you for the harvest and THEN go for it ....
Surely Humprey is enough for a mighty egg scramble! and yes I will definitely whisper a quiet debt of humble gratitude and thanks for Humphrey's most gracious sacrifice.
You don't need to feel bad about Humprhey.
Just remember that those pointed teeth K-9 teeth in your mouth are proof that our ancestors have been ripping the flesh off of Mushrooms for generations.
Peace be with you.
to be read in William Shatner's voice:
It - just - SEEMS - so - violent! *shudder* but i know you are right Marc... iYam what iYam, and THAT is...
*insert long pause so as to indicate rumination culminating in serious self-realization*
...a mushroom-eater!
May the spores be with you.
It takes a sensitive soul to get attached to a mushroom. I bet you feel bad about killing bugs, don't you?
Well, oddly enough sometimes I do, sometimes i don't. Since I am here in TX, roaches are not scarce, the occasional one will pop up in the house and generally my state of revulsion overcomes my distaste for killing it, but on rare occasions I feel sorry for the little guy and will toss him outside...Spiders I don't mind at all and will generally ignore little house spiders up in the corners of the ceiling until I realize I have a nice collection of dust-laden webs hanging. Then I will apologize and sweep them all away.
On the other hand, I almost take sadistic delight in torturing fire ants. As a rule I pour my used turpentine on their beds.
Well, I see that Humphrey's last hours was chronicled by Gordy (thank ya kindly, good man)!
It was a BIG MUSHROOM. I hope, after all the hoopla, that it tasted good!?!?!?
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