We like the cheddar-blast goldfish crackers in our chowder!
I never seem to be able to squeeze enough juice outta the little guys and so have to add some more to the recipe.
Now that we have most of the ingredients we need, time to move along to my favorite aisle in the whole grocery store:
I can't wait until dinner time!
Doh! I was just at a grocery store too! Wow
Chowdah..say it...chowdah!!!
This post is just for the halibut, I hope you don't think I'm being shellfish. I really should just clam up, but instead I'll just flounder along. Stay warm, nothing is worse than cold mussells. Eel be talking to you later..have a good night. Oyster gonna wish me a good night back?
We're cooking salmon, asparagus and mashed potatoes!
damn gurl! YUMMMMMMmmmm! You have been a cooking fool here lately! So are ya getting bored with the whole "iced-in-and-there's-no-place-to-go" thang???? We are getting ice here too now... I'm really kinda bummed because all my tropical plants are gonna bite the big one, and for what? one tiny little freeze! I just got off the phone with G.Jr... he is holding up well out there in the desert.
Don't look now but me thinks yer Auntee Cheryl has gone off the deep-blue-sea-end :) I love you!
Jamie, if I could drive there you would have to pry me off, that is a meal indeed. I think that covers everything a person needs to exist..Salmon, Asparagus..and Mashed Potatoes.
You are a girl after my own heart.
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