Saturday, January 23, 2010

can't get enough pie!

well maybe i can. Today was national pie day. I had planned to go down to M2 Gallery and celebrate the evening with Max and Michael and a truckload of pie. Dumb me, I didn't realize they were going to be done with their festivities @2pm... I thought it STARTED at 2. Gordy made two of his awesome key-lime pies last night and today I made an Albanian meat pie called "Lakror" and another veggie pie that is a traditional recipe from the isle of Crete... called "Boureki". Both were freakin' delicious, unfortunately they were finished about 3 hours too late for their debut.

I've had my fill and I'm busting at the seams, a little bummed that I didn't realize beforehand that i should have had this stuff ready much earlier. Gordy said we could bring 'em down tomorrow, but I don't want to bring the guys leftovers :-(

At my request Gordy took some of the bounty of our private pie-fest over to the neighbor. I don't know what the heck he will think of the pies... hope he likes them.

Im feeling sorry for myself tonight.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Pics from Christmas

Kate came by this past weekend and dropped off a CD with the pics she took at the house with her new camera. I've uploaded the pics to flickr to share with anyone who may want to have a look. However, I made it so the pics are only available to my flickr friends and family - It seemed like the polite thing to do, since I am not the one who took the pictures. If you don't have a flickr account AND we are not friends/family you will not be able to see the pics. Sorry! Just contact me via flickr and I'll "friend-ya."

Kate does some great photography, thank you bunches for taking pics hon! Kate's pics

I don't know how I managed to make it all the way through the holidaze without taking a single photo.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hawk with Squirrel

Hawk with Squirrel
Originally uploaded by gordyt

a friend sent this pic to Gordy today... He took the pic in his yard in Conroe. Amazing!

Monday, January 04, 2010

So what did i miss?

28 degrees tonight? Here?! Ack!

Then Thursday and Friday AGAIN back down into the 20's. It is not supposed to do that here.

The Morning After Jerkiness

It has been that slow creep from silent defense shields in place to tiny snippets of less awkward conversation sometimes accompanied by an o...