This morning after giving the happy box o'compost and mold it's misting, I noticed what MIGHT be little brothers and sisters...MAYBE? The next picture is focused on the compost surrounding my Bello Boy... look at it closely and tell me what you think, are these slow bloomers OR is the white mold trying to fashion its own version of mushroom?
Because Priscilla asked, and I wanted to be sure she sees the link i posted in the comments, here it is again: Mushroom Adventures!
Did you name him? He looks like a Humphrey to me.
I 'm susposing that Humphrey is going to soon have many little clonettes.
I bet that white stuff was the primordal ick that is fostering more of your fun guys ....
Humpf was just a precocious little guy ...
The alpha guy, so to speak!
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