Monday, February 26, 2007

I love garlic!

Again I am reminded of how closely intertwined we humans are after reading Jane Doughnut's latest mantra pertaining to the inexplicably lost innards of a once-internally-occupied round cake-like object typically elevated to it's most perfect state of golden-brown delectableness by being dropped in a vat full of searing-hot rendered animal fat.


JaneDoughnut said...

Teehee! "Who shook the jame out of your doughnut" is a google phrase that led someone to my blog, which I thought was really amusing. So that made the FOUND magazine post much better. Thanks for the link! Maybe we will take you up on the banana launch invitation.

Michael-Ann said...

Those types of coincidences are wonderful when they happen! Somehow it turns the whole moment into one of those existence-validating-moments... as what are the odds for something so quirky to be duplicated in such a close time frame, AND it happened to YOU :)

I'm guessing that the fare at a giant banana launch party would have to be dishes based on bananas, ya think??

1) Banana creme pie
2) Fried bananas
3) Banana pudding
4) Banana split

hmm... come to think of it, that is about all I know of other than just good ol' bananas by themselves.

I better do some research :)

Becky C. said...



Michael-Ann said...

Becky I wish I had half of your wit, and half your sharpness too (might as well wish fer all the qualities while I'm here wishing)... I would so kick ass! :)

I really enjoy reading your words over there in the short-shorts section.

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