Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County
Long Island College Hospital
Register No. 2730
Full Name: Maria Belin
Sex: Female
Color or Race: White
Age: 54 Yrs.
Occupation: Housewife
Birthplace: Sweden
How long in U.S.: 30 Yrs.
How long a resident of the city of New York: 30 Yrs.
Name of father: Carl Gustafson
Birthplace of Father: Sweden
Maiden name of Mother: Emma Lynd
Birthplace of Mother: Sweden
Former residence: 109 St. Marks Ave
Date of Death: February 6, 1927
I hereby certify that the foregoing particulars are correct as near as
the same can be ascertained, and I further certify that the deceased
was admitted to this institution on January 31 1927, that I last saw
her alive on the 6th day of February 1927, that she died on the 6 day
of February 1927 about 4:00 o'clock A.M. and that I am unable to state
definitively the cause of death; the diagnosis during her last illness
Fibroid Uterus
Duration: 1 year
Contributory: Post Op. Peritonitis
Duration: 4 days
Witness my hand this 6th day of Febrauary 27
Signature (???)
Place of burial: Evergreen Cem
Undertaker: JJ Crom
Date of Burial: February 8, 1927
Address: 115 Atlantic Ave
So Maria died in 1927 at the age of 57 ... I can't help but wonder if she had some TB also.
But now, when was Mr. Belin born? He was somewhere in the same age bracket as my mother who was born in 1911. So Mr. Belin must have still been fairly young in 1927 - with both of his parents gone, I wonder where he went to live ???
In the 1930 Federal Census (@3 yrs after his mother's death), He shows up living as a lodger, on Valley Road, in Montclair Town, NJ.
Hilda Peacock (64 yrs) is the head of the Boarding house, along with her daughter Alfhild Bostrom (34 yrs).
He listed his occupation as "Repair man" in the industry of "Telephone"
There were two other female lodgers , perhaps sisters (same last names) aged 41 and 31 years.
And so it might seem Grandpa found himself in a house full of women, running around having to fix things. :-)
I also meant to add, that reading Maria's death certificate was particularly sad to me. It would seem she had been battling problems with Uterine Fibroids for at least a year when she had surgery (I would assume to remove her uterus).
She died 4 days after surgery from inflammation of the abdomen, no doubt this is infection from her surgery.
Sounds like she was operated on to remove ovarian cysts or perhaps a complete Hysto. A little Penicillin could have made all the difference.
One other thing.... Dad worked as an Engineer for the New York Telephone Co. It was there he met mom who was also working for the phone company. Later he transfered to New Jersey Bell and stayed with them until he died. His last job with them was as a plant engineer out of the Elizibeth NJ office. I can remember that we received free phone service as a perk. Our first number in Berkeley Heights was Summit-6-1958. 1958 was also the year that we paid off our home mortgage. In 58 I was driving my first car, a 1954 Packard 400 convertable, Dad was driving a 49 Packard 2 door sedan. Those were great times. Bid, did you ever ride in my Packard??? It was a beaut!
Thank you Dad for this great info!
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