I have sent copies of everything I had to Katarina, including the certificates I got in the mail yesterday, to give to Elisabeth. This morning I heard back from Katarina:
Thank you Michael-Ann!
I have just talked with Elisabeth on the phone. I will meet her on Monday 14 th July and she will give me the information she have about the Belins.
I will show her the photo of Emil that you sent me.
Until then
have a nice weekend
I am thrilled to know there is an 87-year old Belin still living! She has to be the oldest one, making her sort of the Matriarch of all the Belins, wouldn't you think? Anyway, would love to be able to meet her, what stories she might have!
Fine!!! But I sort of hate to ask this question ..... have you or your Dad any idea as to which one might be Gustaf Emil?
I'm sure that Elisabeth will be thrilled to see the picture - maybe she can tell which one is Gustaf Emil ....
Good work there, M.A.!!
That's really awesome, once again thank you for all the work you're doing and for sharing it.
Dang it!! Here comes a thunderstorm blasting in, have to get off the computer.
Maybe you can get some pictures of Elisabeth? It would be interesting to see what she looks like.
Dad just corrected me, you were right ~ they are weightlifters.
I should stick to the gardening :P
On the picture... Grandpa is the fellow on the Right. No question about it.. I have seen other pictures of him. He also looks a lot like dad. Great picture...
I think this is my favorite of the old photos
Can you provide me a quick summary of these Swedish Belin's you reference? That would be awesome!
Hello CBelin! Other than what you have read here on this blog, I do not have much more.
Gustaf Emil Belin came to the US from Sweden in 1892. He was a son of Carl Eric Belin (b. Dec. 2 1841)
Carl received the surname "Belin" upon being conscripted into the Swedish Army called the "Indelningsverket." I do not know what Carl's last name was before he came to be in the Swedish army.
I was given this information in response to a posting of the Swedish homestead of Gustaf's wife, Maria, whom he met after they had both come to the US.
You may want to see the details I was given, if you are researching the Belin name:
Best wishes to you, and hope this helps. If you have any information I would love to hear back from you.
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