Gunhilde Maria Belin
(There is no reference number on the certificate)
Brooklyn, Kings County
State of New York.
Certificate and Record of Death of
Gunhilde Maria Belin
Sex: Female
Color: White
Age: 2 Yrs. 9 Mos. 22 Days
Occupation: None
Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y.
How long in U.S.: life
How long resident in City of New York: life
Place of Death: 635 Baltic St
Place of Residence: Private
Father's Name: Emil G. Belin
Father's Birthplace: Sweden
Mother's Name: Maria Swan
Mother's Birthplace: Sweden
I hereby certify that I attended deceased from Oct. 26 1907, to Nov
2nd 1907, that I last saw her alive on the 2nd day of Nove. 1907, that
she died on the 3rd day of Nov. 1907, about 5 o'clock P.M., and that,
to the best of my knowledge and belief, the cause of her death was as
Tubercular Meinngitis
Witness my hand this 3rd day of Nov. 1907
(Signature) Elias H. Bartley M.D.
(Residence) 65 S. Portland Ave
Place of Burial: Evergreen
Date of Burial: Nov. 6th
Undertaker: A. T. Johnson
Place of Business: 376 Atlantic Ave
Doing some numbers, Maria must have been about 35 when Gunhilde was born - which makes Mr. Belin born earier than I originally thought - do you have his birthday?
I really liked Mr. Belin - one of my favorite memories from those years was working with him on one of his projects out in the yard at the Teahouse on the side of Swartswood Lake.
Good morning Mom-
I just uploaded the information from Mr. Belin's birth certificate - I received it yesterday along with the death certificates.
It would seem he was around 2 when Gunhilde was born and around 4 when she died.
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