Heard that Beaumont had some wild weather yesterday - including that tornado! Hope your area at least got some rain. The pictures that I've seen on TV about the drought in central TX are wicked-looking.
Hey mom! We are now at mandatory stage 2 water restrictions! Eep.
But we did have a freaky storm the other day where it was a lot like being in a hurricane for 10 minutes. A ton of tree branches were ripped down all over the place.
Wow Hoot! I'm surprised it didn't come sooner though. Did you look at what the restrictions are?
One thing that pisses me off though is that despite everyone having to go to once-a-week waterings, GOLF COURSES can still water every two days on their tee and green areas! Jerks! I did some research on the amount of water golf courses use and it's ridicules! In my opinion watering should be limited to residential and commercial food gardens only... the rest is just not needed. There has to be folks up there who rely on their gardens for food, I know my chili peppers wouldn't be able to make it a week between waterings.
Mom, I don't know if that popcorn was salted or not *grin* - We got a little sprinkle yesterday and that was all :-( I had no idea Beaumont had a tornado!
Did I tell you that my neighbor was trying to coerce us into watering our enormous yard?
I dutifully reminded him about the water restrictions and how having a green yard is just not that important when we're in the middle of a historical drought.
holy heck! Can't believe the guy even went there with you... good going on yer boo yahs Hoot! Please tell me he was a little guy that posed no threat ;-)
Ha! Hope there wasn't any salt on that popcorn!
Heard that Beaumont had some wild weather yesterday - including that tornado! Hope your area at least got some rain. The pictures that I've seen on TV about the drought in central TX are wicked-looking.
Hey mom! We are now at mandatory stage 2 water restrictions! Eep.
But we did have a freaky storm the other day where it was a lot like being in a hurricane for 10 minutes. A ton of tree branches were ripped down all over the place.
It was weird!
Wow Hoot! I'm surprised it didn't come sooner though. Did you look at what the restrictions are?
One thing that pisses me off though is that despite everyone having to go to once-a-week waterings, GOLF COURSES can still water every two days on their tee and green areas! Jerks! I did some research on the amount of water golf courses use and it's ridicules! In my opinion watering should be limited to residential and commercial food gardens only... the rest is just not needed. There has to be folks up there who rely on their gardens for food, I know my chili peppers wouldn't be able to make it a week between waterings.
Mom, I don't know if that popcorn was salted or not *grin* - We got a little sprinkle yesterday and that was all :-( I had no idea Beaumont had a tornado!
Did I tell you that my neighbor was trying to coerce us into watering our enormous yard?
I dutifully reminded him about the water restrictions and how having a green yard is just not that important when we're in the middle of a historical drought.
That shut him up.
Boo yah!
holy heck! Can't believe the guy even went there with you... good going on yer boo yahs Hoot! Please tell me he was a little guy that posed no threat ;-)
Pu-lease. I ain't skeered a nuthin!
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