1. what if i had a banana for a right foot?
2. how many times can I do this?
3. lizards are benevolent.
4. languid pools of pudding
and then this one:
"furtive glances" which among other items, popped up an article written in Harvard University Press in 2000.
Furtive Glances Trigger Radioactive Decay
Charles Seife
Common sense says you can't keep an atom's nucleus from decaying simply by looking at it. Quantum mechanics says you can. Now two Israeli physicists have come up with a way in which watching a nucleus might make it decay faster.
You have to be a member to read the whole article... I don't care to read the whole thing, rather like the out of context places you can take this. The title is like some kind of poetry.
Strange stuff ... bigger implications than "drop a pebble into the pond and the ripples will reach throughout the pond". Be careful when you wave your hand at the moon.
For further furtive glances read
Hats by Hilary Jerrill Steinitz. ;)
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