...this is me. with trepidation AND delight i offer this image up. It was taken by myself in the quiet of my alone-ness in a vain attempt at capturing a mood, a visual explaination, misguided self-definition, a search for something beautiful... I dunno.
I have tried for a Loooong time to be at peace with the source of this image.
and so it is that I would like to create a challenge to a few of the women whom I am so impressed with to do the same. I guess I am asking you to participate in a new meme... this one visual, no words... play with a camera and please if you feel compelled present an image of yourself that speaks of you in some autobiographical way.
TAG upon TAG upon TAG - you are it! :) Love you!
Jamie, Michelle, JaneDoughnut, Becky, Paisley
I like your photo. I have a friend Giselle Borzov with a new art blog at http://gborzov.wordpress.com that you might also want to check out.
That is an awesome photo and image. I will try to post something--however, being right in the middle of packing for my move I might only be able to capture a pic of "crazy bitch going out of her freakin' mind" so I might have to wait until I am settled in Arizona:)
what a nice shot! oh, i've got a great pic for the "assignment", but someone's gotta tell me how to post the durn thing! (it's a self-taken shot of me lying on the sofa w/ maynerd(Elsa) "making bread" on my neck.
Drop dead sexy hon! :-)
Well . . if Gordy wasn't lurking, I'd say what he said :)
OT: if Becky comes through Scottsdale (Phoenix area), and I can be of any assistance . . let her know.
well... believe it or not i haven't got a camera... i keep saying i will get one... and maybe now i have my inspiration to do so... i want to follow thru on this but it may take me awhile... in the interim,,, ill think about what to shoot....
Paisley, Becky, and Michelle I am so thrilled you are thinking about doing this when you can... I realize your blogs have their own paths and really it is kinda rude to ask people to do things other than they intend to do with their own blog.
Of course with Becky moving and Paisley acquiring a camera don't stress, whenever is good for you is good... and when/if you do post - don't worry about links back and all that crap :)
I just thought of all the women I know, you all would produce something very intriguing along these lines.
Ms. Shelli about that upload photo bit... lets say you have a digital image on your computer... you may want to resize it so that it is not extremely large, like 72 resolution and maybe 800 pixels at its largest dimension.
When you are making a blog post, you should see a little icon that looks like a little pic of a mountain above the area you type in.
Click on the little icon and a window should pop open. You use that browse window to navigate through the files on your 'puter and select the graphic you want to upload.
Once the image has uploaded, you click the "Done" button in the image-selector window, it then closes and you should see a bunch of code (beginning with "< a " and ending with an "/ a >" embedded at the top of your post
Click publish post and the image should show up :)
thanks for all the info!!!
i'm gonna give it a whirl!
and i welcome/enjoy the "idea-invites"! keeps the grey matter throbbing!
What a wonderfully moody and artistic shot. Thank you for sharing and stirring my creative spirit.
really?! Thank you Tony :)
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