Notification from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office:
The mark identified above has been published in the Trademark Official Gazette (OG) on Nov 24, 2009. Any party who believes it will be damaged by the registration of the mark may file a notice of opposition (or extension of time therefor) with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. If no party files an opposition or extension request within thirty (30) days after the publication date, then within twelve (12) weeks of the publication date a notice of allowance (NOA) should issue.
i count - u count - we all count da boidies!!
Congratulations!! Hope there's no conflict .....
Hey there -- your new facebook icon is interesting - so you feel trapped in a cup of coffee, eh ????
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, hope you have a wonderful day.
Congrats on the trademark :)
Good Morning!! hope you have a great Thanksgiving day! Say howdy to everyone for me.
What's up Chickenbutt?? What's new with you?
ugghhh... feeling like shite, caught G's crud. :P :P
Lovin your pics you put up on your blog... did you break out your tri pod fer any of them? seems like ya did because of some of the nice details.
goin off ta bed now. love you, my one and only awesome sister! xoxoxoxx
Sorry you are feeling bad :(
Drink tons of liquid and rest up as much as you can.
Thank you re: the pictures.
I tried to use the tripod but didn't realize the neck of it extended up...Maureen had to point it out to me after I complained about being hunkered over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame while using it, so my first attempt wasn't too successful.
Yep, I felt like a dope, lol.
It's pouring rain today, so I guess I'm going to have to just do boring chores...feh! Anyway, stay snuggled up, I hope you feel better soon.
Woohoo! It stopped raining...but now I have to venture out & try to do some X-mas shopping. It's going to be a bare bones X-mas this year...can you make presents out of wind soup & rabbit tracks??
Sigh & bah humbuggery...all the shrill Christmas froofrah in the stores hurts my psyche. I saw boxes of Reindeer & Snowman "poop" on the shelves of my grocery store and almost collapsed in the aisle out of despair for the human race.
Oh, no ... sorry to hear that you are down-n-out with G's bug! I hope he has been giving you some honey-laced tea and super vitamins!! Are you starting to feel better yet?
And, have you heard anything about your application's status yet?
Keep warm and cozy ...
Cheryl - I forgot to add - I spotted Christmas decorations going up in the stores almost 2 weeks BEFORE HALLOWEEN !!! That's when I decided that I wasn't going to buy anything remotely "Christmas" from those stores.
Hi Y'all :-) Still feeling cruddy, it doesn't help to be sitting here at work when I would like nothing more than to curl up and snooze all day.
Last year for Christmas I went a little crazy, blew out all the stops for the four of our kids. This year I'm gonna keep it simple. Trying to come up with ideas for things I can make them. With the job situation and my pay cut I feel like I really need to be frugal this year.
Reindeer and Snowman poop? seriously?! good lord! Sometimes I wonder how long it will be before future generations become so disillusioned with the state of holidays that they see no reason to even celebrate them. I can imagine people in the future thinking Holidays are archaic rituals associated with a time when humans were terribly consumptive and wasteful... sheez, i just read what I wrote and I sound pretty negative. maybe I should go take a long nap ;-)
Phoo - sorry you had to go to work today!! But that last paragraph sure sounds like one of those great surges fueled by a mighty dose of niquil/dayquil .... (( grin ))
If I go into a store with Christmas stuff up before December I painstakingly turn everything around backward and unplug all the animatronic santas. Hate 'em.
Jamie, I had a similar feeling of antipathy yesterday as I was contemplating a display of neon pink, blue, and silver Christmas trees.
The problem with christmas trees is that no matter how much you turn them, they're always facing front. Maybe try putting your own stealth ornaments into publicly displayed trees. For example, dog turds.
Ha!!! Someone that is even more grinchy than I am...your comment brought to mind your mom's special snowman from way back in the day, how funny would it be to have a tree tricked out in ornaments made from the same medium?
I guess you and I both need to work on obtaining some sense of holiday joy. Perhaps we need to lay down beneath a lovely decorated tree and gaze up into the twinkling branches. It worked when I was a kid...all that hope and sparkly promise seemed to make everything better.
Ok, how 'bout we put reindeer antlers on our critters and then giggle while they look at us with tolerant disgust?
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