Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Geneology takes a nap now

Good lord! It's overwhelming... I can only take it in small doses, don't see how the heck people like Mr. Scott and Katarina do this sort of thing often. Dates and names and places all meld together in a huge jumbled-up international stew in my brain.

I wonder what people will do years from now when they try to research this sort of stuff? The last time I answered a census was back in the 80's and Jim was so freakin' paranoid of the gummit I don't think he told the census taker the truth.

I'm putting this to rest for a spell, at least until the certificates I ordered from the state of NY come in. I don't even remember who's I ordered?!


Biddie said...

I can completely understand - the little bit that I have worked with the family lines caused my eyes to blur and my mind to blur ....

Michael-Ann said...


The Morning After Jerkiness

It has been that slow creep from silent defense shields in place to tiny snippets of less awkward conversation sometimes accompanied by an o...