So this has been an uneventful week... with one exception - that exception based on the fact that I am easily entertained.
Last Friday a couple of House Finches finally decided to start building a nest under the roof of the outside covered smoking area at work. The feathered couple had been scoping the area out for some time arriving at different points of the day and chattering to each other all the while.
It was as if they were always quite seriously discussing the merits (or lack thereof) of building their new home in this location as opposed to others they may have scoped out.
But for what ever reasons they finally decided to pick our place. The grass and twigs started showing up last Friday and by Monday they had a rather righteous nest.
During my lunch break Monday I went to the local pet-supply store and purchased a finch feeder, some good seed, and a bird-bath. Knowing that other birds would be attracted to the food, I hung the feeder around the corner of the building to avoid having unwelcome visitors in close proximity to the nest.
It took our new avian neighbors no time at all to find the easy food source. In fact, by Wednesday, a second pair of House Finches showed up at the feeder. Between meals, the two couples hang out together on the electrical wires above exchanging ideas on such topics as nest building techniques, coping with fledglings, and the inevitable empty-nest syndrome. The two females generally spend more time socializing with each other compared to the two males.
On a completely different note, This week, just for the hell of it I tried an odd experiment. In the morning I took a shower (no THAT is not the experiment) and after towel-drying my self I didn't brush my hair out. I showed up at work with damp, tangled, uncombed hair and would not comb it out until around noon. No one noticed - or if they did, no one said anything. I'm not sure what the point of my experiment was, but the whole thing left me wondering.
But they're rats with wings!
Never ever ever trust an animal that doesn’t have the decency to be on the ground when it takes a crap.
I'm thinking blowtorch omelet.
... mmmmmmm ...
Well, I'm thinking that your thinking is probably a good sign.
BuTttt... then again I would wager that you think too much :)
Blow torch omelet?! HA HA HAAaaaaaa!
Hi Mom... You didn't need to delete your comment.
I was a little surprised at your grouping "looking, acting, and working" together over my hair.
Though, I thank you for your concern...and just so you know all the jobs I have ever had throughout my life were very important to me. From shit-shoveling to software development - in my mind I did the best I could/can, not bragging, I did/do whatever I did/do because it is the only choice I had/have really when I base my identity on these various positions.
Love you and thank you for worrying about me.
I think if I saw you at work with your hair in that state I wouldn't say anything either, and just quietly keep my finger on the red button beneath my desk.
At least you're washing it.
I can't even say that much about myself. Seventy percent of the time I don't even bother with pants.
Though, I work from home so really it's a moot point.
Maybe they assumed that you had been canoeing.
Are your co-workers afraid of you?
Ha! Richard :) I did a quick check fer red buttons this morning just because of you!
Jamie, as long as you remember to put yer drawers on a'fore you venture outside.
and Mister Endymion - THAT is a good question... I will perform an in-depth study of pupil dialation and body language in response to my close proximity and get back with you on it :)
Canoeing is out of the question that early in the morning UNLESS I have pulled an all-nighter and I am VERY MUCH overdue for an all-nighter. Come to think of it, I wonder if my canoe is still out by the shed under all that overgrown shrubbery?????
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