2. Toast open-faced hamburger buns
3. Plop spoonfuls of mashed beans on buns and top with shredded-cheddar cheese
4. Melt the cheese and garnish with chopped onion.
5. Assemble the bunnage and try to eat without everything squirting out the backside of your buns :-)
Hahahahaa!!! Don't knock it 'til you've tried it Kristen *grin*
Cheryl and I liked these as kids, a nice reprieve from beefstrokenoff, liver, and tunasmasherall :-)
(( laughing ))
Nope I still say EWE!! and Tunawhateveryousaid, YUK!
We used to and still eat, elbow noodles and ketchup, my brother put a chunk of butter on his, Gross!!!
LIVER!?!?!?? Dang thats gross too
I tried to make beanwiches up here once, can't even remember what type of bean I used but can tell you it was the wrong type, lol.
I had talked this up to David, and unfortunately the end result was, well, less than a culinary delight to put it kindly.
I am so not a cook! Thanks for putting this up :)
Do you remember Guts and Growly?
Noodles and catsup?! That is just gross woman! :-)
Guts and Growly!! Holy Hell Cheryl I had forgotten all about that! Wasn't it like noodles with browned hamburger and what equates to white gravy? Hahaaaa... oh man, I am sad to say I never tried to feed this to my kids, they missed out.
One of my ex's introduced us to something he called "Brownie stew." I have no idea where the name came from, but it was just browned hamburger mixed with pork and beans. When you wanted to get fancy you could toss in some sauteed onions and bell pepper.
And just what are you laughing about Mom? Mz Peanut butter in your chili and mayo-n- peanut butter sandwich lady!
Poor mans spaghetti, thats Noodles and Ketchup, we had no money !
I can't really remember much about Guts & Growly...I was thinking it was some sort of hamburger/rice concoction but not sure.
I am going to have me a beanwich today :) Thank you for my Texas meal, I love it! Dave even got a kick out of checking out all the stuff. I had to explain some of it to him, lol.
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