My sister was kind enough to give me this album along with some photos that my Dad was going to throw away. The last two days i have spent taking digital pics of each page of the album and of the other photos as well. I now have them online and hope that one day will be able to decipher the words written throughout.
I started trying to do some translating with the use of two online translators, first starting with on which allows me to translate full passages. Then using another one that does single words and seems to have a more thorough translation capability.
If anything, i have been able to get a "feel" of what some of those entries were about.
One thing i am almost certain of is that my great-grandmother's maiden name was most likely "Sahlberg", possibly "Svahn" - its a theory based on the number of entries with those two sirnames.
The entire album can be seen on
Maria's album
Your great-grand-mother was very beautiful...Just look at those eyes...There is a connection with you...
Happy New Year by the way...
I have been glued to the computer lately (including on vacation until the 7th...
you should watch Anita O'Day
Just one correction...Dad wasn't throwing the pictures away, he gave them to me and I gave them to you. I'm sorry that it doesn't translate well.
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